Vi hjelper folk å jobbe sammen


Ginntech develops the most user-friendly, powerful and smart digital solutions

Eudutorium solves the quality challenges in course design, development and approval processes and outcomes!

Mimir is our platform for data collection and data analysis!

We tailor system support for work processes and digital workflow in your organization!


Who are we?

Ginntech is a tech company that develops user-friendly, robust and flexible solutions for our customers.

We are experts in collaboration solutions and support for process flow at educational institutions, but we also have customers in the private sector.

It is important for us to help make our customers’ working day as simple and efficient as possible. We want to understand our customers' processes and work tasks down to the smallest detail, so that together we can find the best ways to solve the tasks.

We have offices in Trondheim (head office) and Oslo

All the latest from our GinntechBlog

In our GinntechBlog we post current news, work we are proud of and sector news we have an opinion on.

We are proud of what we achieve with our customers, so we must warn you. There may be some boasting here!

Happy reading!

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Bestill vårt nyhetsbrev

Curious about Edutorium?

Let us show you how Edutorium can ensure good quality during course design, development and approval processes.

Going abroad

Edutorium is going abroad

Ginntech is going abroad. Are you the right person to help us?

MIMIR dataanalyse

Want to know more about Mimir?

Mimir collects information from many different sources. The powerful analysis engine puts data together into new knowledge

Some of our customers

We proudly present some of our good customers