Webinars have proven to be a useful way to reach out to interested schools. Last autumn and this spring, we conducted a webinar series where we have had a total of 12 different vocational schools drop by to learn more about Edutorium, and how our solution for development and revision of study plans, can give vocational schools better control over their own study portfolio. We thank the many active participants for good input and creative suggestions.
The webinars have been very useful for us in better understanding the vocational schools, and the vocational schools' need for system support in the audit work. Fortunately, we have also discussed both the further development of Edutorium, and the need for new modules. Maybe the next step will be a separate syllabus module for easier control over syllabus literature? Several schools have pointed to this as an area for which there are currently no good solutions.
The large curriculum systems used in the higher education sector are primarily adapted to the needs of the higher education libraries. The vocational schools need something that is easier to work with, and provides exactly the support the course coordinator needs in the revision process.
To be continued...